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CanadaCanadaBaselode Energy Corp.

· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuutta CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Tänään %
Tänään +/-
Vaihto (määrä)
177 733
· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuutta CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
· TSX Venture Exchange · Valuutta CAD
· Valuutta CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Kehitys tänään
Vaihto (määrä)
177 733


8 500
10 000

Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (CAD)
43 635

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


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Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit

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Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


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Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 27. maalisk.
    27. maalisk.
    Why is it still falling?
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    13th Oct 2021 - Baselode Energy Corp. Intersects Multiple Zones of Elevated Radioactivity in Two New Holes at Hook Uranium Project Baselode Energy Corp. announced it has intersected numerous intervals of elevated radioactivity within two new diamond drill holes at the ACKIO target on its Hook Uranium project, Athabasca Basin area, northern Saskatchewan. Baselode's Hook is 100% owned with no royalties. Radioactivity highlights include: AK21-03 – including two distinct intersections: 1,199 counts per second (‘cps’) over 6.2 metres (‘m’) at 128.5 m drill hole depth (approximately 90 m true vertical depth), including 1,643 cps over 3.15 m at 131.4 m drill hole depth and 876 cps over 3.75 m at 246.4 m drill hole depth (approximately 170 m true vertical depth), including 1,434 cps over 1.9 m at 248.1 m drill hole depth. AK21-04: 474 cps over 9.95 m at 95.8 m true vertical depth, including 595 cps over 4.2 m at 95.8 m true vertical depth. Hook's ACKIO Results - A total of four drill holes for 1,911 metres have been completed in the ACKIO zone, and a total of 10 drill holes for 3,680 m were completed during the Hook drill campaign. Two drill holes (HK21-06 and AK21-02) were abandoned after casing and re-started. In addition to the discovery results from drill hole AK21-01, previously reported as HK21-07 (16.2 m averaging 642 cps, see Baselode news release, September 29, 2021), three additional intervals of elevated radioactivity are reported at depth from this drill hole, demonstrating the possibility for multiple zones of uranium mineralization within the ACKIO system. Drill hole AK21-02A failed to intersect elevated radioactivity, however it did intersect the largest alteration envelope and also intersected two discrete hematite breccia systems, possibly indicating multiple fault zones. Drill hole AK21-03 intersected the largest zone of elevated radioactivity at the closest distance to surface to date. The drill hole is interpreted to be on the east side of a proximal fault that may intersect the unconformity. Drill hole AK21-04 was designed to target the projection of an interpreted fault piercing Athabasca sandstones at the unconformity. The drill hole failed to intersect sandstones, thereby providing a narrow 50 m window to hone in on the unconformity target in future drill programs. Drill holes AK21-01, AK21-03 and AK21-04 intersected the same basement geological features, including; massive and predominant chlorite alteration enveloping radioactive zones, quartz-rich hematite breccias, local silicification, multiple generations of quartz veins, and graphitic intervals immediately above radioactive zones. The radioactive zones were primarily hematite altered but also included the strongest clay and bleaching alteration. After passing through the chlorite alteration envelope, calc-silicates with patchy hematite alteration occur in contact with an unaltered basal granite. Drill core samples for AK21-01 have been delivered to the Saskatchewan Research Council (‘SRC’) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for multi-element analysis including determination of radioactive element source(s), and concentration of radioactive materials. Lab results for the drill hole will be announced when received and reviewed by the Company. The remainder of the drill core samples from AK21-02A to AK21-04 will be delivered to SRC next week when the field crew returns from the field. Future Exploration Plans for Hook - Due to waning logistical efficiencies with limited and lessening daylight hours, Baselode has concluded this current drill program. Planning for Hook's follow up winter drill program is already in progress with the Company anticipating a two-drill supported, 10,000 m drill program during the winter months of 2022 (January/February). The ACKIO drill holes are located approximately 450 m southeast from the recent discovery drill hole (GEM-004) by 92 Energy within their adjacent Gemini Mineralized Zone (‘GMZ’). Baselode believes that these two discovery zones are part of the same widespread and fertile system for uranium mineralization that remain open for drilling in all directions. The ACKIO-GMZ area is located 30 km southeast of well-established infrastructure, including an all-season road and powerline that runs between Cameco Corp.'s and Orano's McArthur River mine and Key Lake Uranium mill joint ventures. The ACKIO-GMZ area is 70 km northeast of the Key Lake mill. Additional Ground Staked - Baselode has staked an additional 19,964 hectares of prospective ground contiguous with Hook to the southwest. The newly acquired land shares regional magnetic features that are similar to those observed at ACKIO, and present new target areas for continued exploration within the region.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 27. maalisk.
    27. maalisk.
    Why is it still falling?
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    13th Oct 2021 - Baselode Energy Corp. Intersects Multiple Zones of Elevated Radioactivity in Two New Holes at Hook Uranium Project Baselode Energy Corp. announced it has intersected numerous intervals of elevated radioactivity within two new diamond drill holes at the ACKIO target on its Hook Uranium project, Athabasca Basin area, northern Saskatchewan. Baselode's Hook is 100% owned with no royalties. Radioactivity highlights include: AK21-03 – including two distinct intersections: 1,199 counts per second (‘cps’) over 6.2 metres (‘m’) at 128.5 m drill hole depth (approximately 90 m true vertical depth), including 1,643 cps over 3.15 m at 131.4 m drill hole depth and 876 cps over 3.75 m at 246.4 m drill hole depth (approximately 170 m true vertical depth), including 1,434 cps over 1.9 m at 248.1 m drill hole depth. AK21-04: 474 cps over 9.95 m at 95.8 m true vertical depth, including 595 cps over 4.2 m at 95.8 m true vertical depth. Hook's ACKIO Results - A total of four drill holes for 1,911 metres have been completed in the ACKIO zone, and a total of 10 drill holes for 3,680 m were completed during the Hook drill campaign. Two drill holes (HK21-06 and AK21-02) were abandoned after casing and re-started. In addition to the discovery results from drill hole AK21-01, previously reported as HK21-07 (16.2 m averaging 642 cps, see Baselode news release, September 29, 2021), three additional intervals of elevated radioactivity are reported at depth from this drill hole, demonstrating the possibility for multiple zones of uranium mineralization within the ACKIO system. Drill hole AK21-02A failed to intersect elevated radioactivity, however it did intersect the largest alteration envelope and also intersected two discrete hematite breccia systems, possibly indicating multiple fault zones. Drill hole AK21-03 intersected the largest zone of elevated radioactivity at the closest distance to surface to date. The drill hole is interpreted to be on the east side of a proximal fault that may intersect the unconformity. Drill hole AK21-04 was designed to target the projection of an interpreted fault piercing Athabasca sandstones at the unconformity. The drill hole failed to intersect sandstones, thereby providing a narrow 50 m window to hone in on the unconformity target in future drill programs. Drill holes AK21-01, AK21-03 and AK21-04 intersected the same basement geological features, including; massive and predominant chlorite alteration enveloping radioactive zones, quartz-rich hematite breccias, local silicification, multiple generations of quartz veins, and graphitic intervals immediately above radioactive zones. The radioactive zones were primarily hematite altered but also included the strongest clay and bleaching alteration. After passing through the chlorite alteration envelope, calc-silicates with patchy hematite alteration occur in contact with an unaltered basal granite. Drill core samples for AK21-01 have been delivered to the Saskatchewan Research Council (‘SRC’) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for multi-element analysis including determination of radioactive element source(s), and concentration of radioactive materials. Lab results for the drill hole will be announced when received and reviewed by the Company. The remainder of the drill core samples from AK21-02A to AK21-04 will be delivered to SRC next week when the field crew returns from the field. Future Exploration Plans for Hook - Due to waning logistical efficiencies with limited and lessening daylight hours, Baselode has concluded this current drill program. Planning for Hook's follow up winter drill program is already in progress with the Company anticipating a two-drill supported, 10,000 m drill program during the winter months of 2022 (January/February). The ACKIO drill holes are located approximately 450 m southeast from the recent discovery drill hole (GEM-004) by 92 Energy within their adjacent Gemini Mineralized Zone (‘GMZ’). Baselode believes that these two discovery zones are part of the same widespread and fertile system for uranium mineralization that remain open for drilling in all directions. The ACKIO-GMZ area is located 30 km southeast of well-established infrastructure, including an all-season road and powerline that runs between Cameco Corp.'s and Orano's McArthur River mine and Key Lake Uranium mill joint ventures. The ACKIO-GMZ area is 70 km northeast of the Key Lake mill. Additional Ground Staked - Baselode has staked an additional 19,964 hectares of prospective ground contiguous with Hook to the southwest. The newly acquired land shares regional magnetic features that are similar to those observed at ACKIO, and present new target areas for continued exploration within the region.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.


8 500
10 000

Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (CAD)
43 635

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


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Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit
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