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How do I open an account at

This is how you open an account.

Step 1: Open an account with Bank ID.

Click the button “Avaa asiakkuus”.  With Bank ID (online bank credentials from another bank or Mobiilivarmenne) you can open a new account directly without having to submit any paper agreements. Follow the instructions on the website.

Step 2: Hey and welcome! Fill in your social security number and take the first step towards a richer future.

When you are ready, press “Seuraava”.

Step 3: Now you need to fill in customer knowledge details to move forward:

1 Your information

  • Phone number
  • E-mail address

2 Select a username and password (which you can use when logging in to Nordnet web service)

  • Select username (in lowercase letters)
  • Password (minimum 8 letters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special mark)
  • Password again (same password again for security)

3 Portfolio

  • Select portfolio: stock and fund portfolio has been already selected and opens up automatically when the customer relationship is opened (book-entry securities account). You can also select an equity savings account if you want and it must be checked separately.

4 Some questions about your savings

“Nordnet works actively to protect your financial interests. Together with all other banks, we have a mission to fight and counter fraud, ID theft, money laundering and financing of terrorism. This is an important task, and in order to be able to fulfill our obligations we must have a good knowledge of you, we need to know you well and understand how you use our products and services. For this reason, we ask you to answer the following questions.

  • Are you a citizen of the United States or pay taxes to any other country than Finland? "No, only in Finland", or "Yes".
  • In which country do you have a citizenship?
  • What is your main source of income?
  • Have you or have you held a high political position or a significant public position, or are you a close family member or close partner of such a person?
  • What is the purpose / goal of your customer relationship at Nordnet? You can c several options.
  • What is the source of the money and / or holdings you transfer to Nordnet? You can check several options.
  • How much is your estimated monthly income?
  • Approximately how much money do you plan to deposit to your Nordnet account when opening an account?
  • How often will deposits be made during the year?
  • How much will the annual cash deposits be on average?
  • Do you yourself own the transferable cash deposits and holdings?
  • How many times is it estimated that cash will be withdrawn during the year?

Step 4: Continue to accept terms of service

  • Now you only need to identify yourself with your own bank ID and after that, you have opened a portfolio at Nordnet!
  • You can use Nordnet's mobile app in Finnish, Swedish and English.

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Nordnet | Yliopistonkatu 5, 3. krs | FI-00100 Helsinki