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CanadaCanadaDelivra Health Brands Inc

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TSX Venture Exchange
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Vaihto (määrä)
24 210
· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuutta CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
· TSX Venture Exchange · Valuutta CAD
· Valuutta CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
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Vaihto (määrä)
24 210
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49 päivää sitten



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (CAD)

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q3-osavuosiraportti15. toukok.
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti27. helmik.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti28. marrask. 2023
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti18. lokak. 2023
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti23. toukok. 2023
Datan lähde: Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
Vain PDF
49 päivää sitten

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q3-osavuosiraportti15. toukok.
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti27. helmik.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti28. marrask. 2023
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti18. lokak. 2023
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti23. toukok. 2023
Datan lähde: Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 28. toukok.
    28. toukok.
    Delivra Health Brands Inc. (CVE:DHB) is possibly approaching a major achievement in its business, so we would like to shine some light on the company. Delivra Health Brands Inc. through its subsidiaries, provides lifestyle and wellness products to consumers and patients in regulated markets worldwide. The CA$13m market-cap company posted a loss in its most recent financial year of CA$184k and a latest trailing-twelve-month loss of CA$708k leading to an even wider gap between loss and breakeven. Many investors are wondering about the rate at which Delivra Health Brands will turn a profit, with the big question being “when will the company breakeven?” Below we will provide a high-level summary of the industry analysts’ expectations for the company. Check out our latest analysis for Delivra Health Brands According to some industry analysts covering Delivra Health Brands, breakeven is near. They anticipate the company to incur a final loss in 2024, before generating positive profits of CA$163k in 2025. So, the company is predicted to breakeven just over a year from now. In order to meet this breakeven date, we calculated the rate at which the company must grow year-on-year. It turns out an average annual growth rate of 167% is expected, which is rather optimistic! If this rate turns out to be too aggressive, the company may become profitable much later than analysts predict. earnings-per-share-growth TSXV:DHB Earnings Per Share Growth May 23rd 2024 Given this is a high-level overview, we won’t go into details of Delivra Health Brands' upcoming projects, however, keep in mind that typically pharmaceuticals, depending on the stage of product development, have irregular periods of cash flow. This means, large upcoming growth rates are not abnormal as the company is beginning to reap the benefits of earlier investments. One thing we would like to bring into light with Delivra Health Brands is its relatively high level of debt. Generally, the rule of thumb is debt shouldn’t exceed 40% of your equity, which in Delivra Health Brands' case is 57%. A higher level of debt requires more stringent capital management which increases the risk in investing in the loss-making company.
  • 8. toukok.
    8. toukok.
    Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 7. mai 2024 Delivra Health Brands Inc viser en sterk utvikling innenfor en stigende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Stigende trender indikerer at bedriften er inne i en positiv utvikling og at kjøpsinteressen blant investorene er økende. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 0.04 . Videre oppgang til 0.05 eller mer er signalisert. Det er ingen motstand i kursdiagrammet og en videre oppgang indikeres. Ved reaksjoner tilbake har aksjen støtte ved cirka 0.03 . Det er dårlig likviditet i aksjen (handlet 95% av dagene, middel 0.01 mill kr per dag), noe som svekker analysen.
  • 7. toukok.
    7. toukok.
    To the moon friends! :)
    7. toukok.
    7. toukok.
    Do you know why it's going up?
    8. toukok.
    8. toukok.
    Only the positive direction with profitability comes to mind. The new leadership has successfully turned the tide.
  • 26. maalisk.
    26. maalisk.
    Delivra Health Brands Announces Adoption of a New Fixed Share Option Plan March 20, 2024 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Delivra Health Brands Inc. ("Delivra Health" or the "Company") (TSX-V: DHB; OTCQB: DHBUF), a consumer packaged goods company uniquely positioned in the health and wellness sector, announced today that its Board of Directors has adopted a new 10% fixed stock option plan (the “Stock Option Plan”), which has been approved by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"). The Stock Option Plan replaces the Company’s previous 10% fixed stock option plan, announced on July 14, 2020 (the "Predecessor Plan"). Under the Stock Option Plan, the Company may grant options to acquire up to 31,261,785 common shares of the Company, representing 10% of the Company’s current issued and outstanding common shares, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by the TSXV, and applicable securities laws. Any options outstanding under the previous stock option plan will be governed by the new Stock Option Plan
  • 4. maalisk.
    4. maalisk.
    February 21, 2024 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Delivra Health Brands Inc. ("Delivra Health" or the "Company") (TSX-V: DHB; OTCQB: DHBUF), a consumer packaged goods company uniquely positioned in the health and wellness sector, is pleased to announce that its Dream Water® brand will be launching a new line of sleep gummies in the Canadian market. Sleep Gummies are expected to be available to Company distributors, retailers and e-commerce channels in June 2024. The launch of Dream Water® Sleep Gummies in Canada is a significant milestone for the Company and will contribute to the Company’s sales growth plan and brand expansion in North America. The product will be available through Delivra Health’s national distribution partners in both retail and e-commerce channels and will improve Dream Water’s overall channel penetration by leveraging the Company’s expertise in branding, marketing, and distribution. Furthermore, this extension into a new functional format will allow the Dream Water® brand to meet the changing trends in consumer behavior. "We are pleased to announce that Dream Water® Sleep Gummies have been approved by Health Canada and will be available in Canadian retail and e-commerce locations in June of 2024, said Gord Davey, President and Chief Executive Officer of Delivra Health Brands. “The Canadian launch extends the success we have seen with this product in the United States in channels such as e-commerce, grocery, convenience and travel outlets, including all major US airports. We plan to continue our global rollout of Dream Water® products and provide Dream Water® Sleep Gummies to more territories in the near future."
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.
Vain PDF
49 päivää sitten

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 28. toukok.
    28. toukok.
    Delivra Health Brands Inc. (CVE:DHB) is possibly approaching a major achievement in its business, so we would like to shine some light on the company. Delivra Health Brands Inc. through its subsidiaries, provides lifestyle and wellness products to consumers and patients in regulated markets worldwide. The CA$13m market-cap company posted a loss in its most recent financial year of CA$184k and a latest trailing-twelve-month loss of CA$708k leading to an even wider gap between loss and breakeven. Many investors are wondering about the rate at which Delivra Health Brands will turn a profit, with the big question being “when will the company breakeven?” Below we will provide a high-level summary of the industry analysts’ expectations for the company. Check out our latest analysis for Delivra Health Brands According to some industry analysts covering Delivra Health Brands, breakeven is near. They anticipate the company to incur a final loss in 2024, before generating positive profits of CA$163k in 2025. So, the company is predicted to breakeven just over a year from now. In order to meet this breakeven date, we calculated the rate at which the company must grow year-on-year. It turns out an average annual growth rate of 167% is expected, which is rather optimistic! If this rate turns out to be too aggressive, the company may become profitable much later than analysts predict. earnings-per-share-growth TSXV:DHB Earnings Per Share Growth May 23rd 2024 Given this is a high-level overview, we won’t go into details of Delivra Health Brands' upcoming projects, however, keep in mind that typically pharmaceuticals, depending on the stage of product development, have irregular periods of cash flow. This means, large upcoming growth rates are not abnormal as the company is beginning to reap the benefits of earlier investments. One thing we would like to bring into light with Delivra Health Brands is its relatively high level of debt. Generally, the rule of thumb is debt shouldn’t exceed 40% of your equity, which in Delivra Health Brands' case is 57%. A higher level of debt requires more stringent capital management which increases the risk in investing in the loss-making company.
  • 8. toukok.
    8. toukok.
    Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 7. mai 2024 Delivra Health Brands Inc viser en sterk utvikling innenfor en stigende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Stigende trender indikerer at bedriften er inne i en positiv utvikling og at kjøpsinteressen blant investorene er økende. Aksjen ga kjøpssignal fra en rektangelformasjon ved bruddet opp gjennom motstanden ved 0.04 . Videre oppgang til 0.05 eller mer er signalisert. Det er ingen motstand i kursdiagrammet og en videre oppgang indikeres. Ved reaksjoner tilbake har aksjen støtte ved cirka 0.03 . Det er dårlig likviditet i aksjen (handlet 95% av dagene, middel 0.01 mill kr per dag), noe som svekker analysen.
  • 7. toukok.
    7. toukok.
    To the moon friends! :)
    7. toukok.
    7. toukok.
    Do you know why it's going up?
    8. toukok.
    8. toukok.
    Only the positive direction with profitability comes to mind. The new leadership has successfully turned the tide.
  • 26. maalisk.
    26. maalisk.
    Delivra Health Brands Announces Adoption of a New Fixed Share Option Plan March 20, 2024 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Delivra Health Brands Inc. ("Delivra Health" or the "Company") (TSX-V: DHB; OTCQB: DHBUF), a consumer packaged goods company uniquely positioned in the health and wellness sector, announced today that its Board of Directors has adopted a new 10% fixed stock option plan (the “Stock Option Plan”), which has been approved by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"). The Stock Option Plan replaces the Company’s previous 10% fixed stock option plan, announced on July 14, 2020 (the "Predecessor Plan"). Under the Stock Option Plan, the Company may grant options to acquire up to 31,261,785 common shares of the Company, representing 10% of the Company’s current issued and outstanding common shares, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by the TSXV, and applicable securities laws. Any options outstanding under the previous stock option plan will be governed by the new Stock Option Plan
  • 4. maalisk.
    4. maalisk.
    February 21, 2024 – Vancouver, British Columbia – Delivra Health Brands Inc. ("Delivra Health" or the "Company") (TSX-V: DHB; OTCQB: DHBUF), a consumer packaged goods company uniquely positioned in the health and wellness sector, is pleased to announce that its Dream Water® brand will be launching a new line of sleep gummies in the Canadian market. Sleep Gummies are expected to be available to Company distributors, retailers and e-commerce channels in June 2024. The launch of Dream Water® Sleep Gummies in Canada is a significant milestone for the Company and will contribute to the Company’s sales growth plan and brand expansion in North America. The product will be available through Delivra Health’s national distribution partners in both retail and e-commerce channels and will improve Dream Water’s overall channel penetration by leveraging the Company’s expertise in branding, marketing, and distribution. Furthermore, this extension into a new functional format will allow the Dream Water® brand to meet the changing trends in consumer behavior. "We are pleased to announce that Dream Water® Sleep Gummies have been approved by Health Canada and will be available in Canadian retail and e-commerce locations in June of 2024, said Gord Davey, President and Chief Executive Officer of Delivra Health Brands. “The Canadian launch extends the success we have seen with this product in the United States in channels such as e-commerce, grocery, convenience and travel outlets, including all major US airports. We plan to continue our global rollout of Dream Water® products and provide Dream Water® Sleep Gummies to more territories in the near future."
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (CAD)

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q3-osavuosiraportti15. toukok.
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti27. helmik.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti28. marrask. 2023
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti18. lokak. 2023
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti23. toukok. 2023
Datan lähde: Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit
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