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· Euronext Growth Oslo
· Valuutta NOK
Euronext Growth Oslo
Tänään %
Tänään +/-
Vaihto (määrä)
40 515
· Euronext Growth Oslo
· Valuutta NOK
Euronext Growth Oslo
· Euronext Growth Oslo · Valuutta NOK
· Valuutta NOK
Euronext Growth Oslo
Kehitys tänään
Vaihto (määrä)
40 515
112 päivää sitten
0,00 NOK/osake
Viimeisin osinko


1 758
2 456

Viimeisimmät kaupat

2 544--
1 044--
1 312--
Vaihto (NOK)
1 117 783

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
15. elok.
Menneet tapahtumat
2023 Yhtiökokous3. huhtik.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti13. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti16. helmik.
2024 Ylimääräinen yhtiökokous18. tammik.
2023 Q2-osavuosiraportti15. elok. 2023
Datan lähde: Millistream, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
112 päivää sitten

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
15. elok.
Menneet tapahtumat
2023 Yhtiökokous3. huhtik.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti13. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti16. helmik.
2024 Ylimääräinen yhtiökokous18. tammik.
2023 Q2-osavuosiraportti15. elok. 2023
Datan lähde: Millistream, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 21. kesäk.
    21. kesäk.
    Western Bulk Carriers has been in search of a “shipping man” to take the helm — and it is a case of ‘mission accomplished’. The Oslo-listed bulker operator will be headed by Torbjorn Gjervik from September, who is stepping up from his current position as head of the North Atlantic region following the resignation of Hans Aasnes earlier this year. Gjervik joined Western Bulk as a trainee in 2011, having grown up in a working-class family on the west coast of Norway, near Bergen. “My grandfathers, my father and my uncle worked onboard oceangoing vessels from an early age,” he said. “The exciting stories they told me from their adventures at sea and abroad definitely influenced me. “I was also influenced by a good friend in the short-sea business in Bergen and later by a shipbroker I got in touch with while in the Navy.” Article continues below the advert Gjervik went on to study in Southampton in the UK and Hong Kong before joining Western Bulk’s trainee programme. “I have never regretted that,” he said. But now the focus is on what lies ahead. Gjervik said he is “very ambitious” for the company’s future. “My goal is that Western Bulk delivers good results and does so over time,” he said. “That will ensure we have surplus positive energy to focus on serving our good customers in the best possible way and keeping our fantastic employees happy.” Western Bulk has had a turbulent eight years since being re-established in 2016, following the bankruptcy of its predecessor company. Upon resigning in March, Aasnes — who joined from the finance world five years ago — commented that the company needs a “shipping man” to take it forward. It seems the board has paid attention in appointing his successor. The company has an established brand and heritage, but it needs to reiterate the stability of its platform to the market. What better way to do so than with a Western Bulk lifer at the helm? Gjervik knows the company inside out and his point of view on strategy has been informed by his working his way up the ranks in Oslo and seven years in Singapore. “Being a ‘shipping man’ in the CEO job for Western Bulk, my focus is to make sure that the top management and the commercial teams are aligned in what we want to achieve and how we are going to achieve it,” he said. “It will help us understand and sharpen our priorities and resources — enabling us to deliver the best possible service to our customers.” Gjervik said his shipping background and career as a dealmaker should also open commercial opportunities for the company. “Both mine and Western Bulk’s door is always open for business proposals that can be mutually beneficial for us and our partners,” he said. “I have not done my last shipping deal, that’s for sure!” For the moment, Western Bulk will continue its traditional focus on the supramax segment and will keep building its presence with panamaxes, which has been “profitable” so far. “We continue to stay asset-light for now,” Gjervik told TradeWinds. “We do not believe this is the right entry point for becoming shipowners, but we stay curious about gaining access to more tonnage through other means and cooperation.” Its panamax team, which comprises five chartering managers across Dubai, Singapore and Oslo, currently operates a fleet of 20 ships. Three of these five chartering managers were hired this year specifically for the panamax market. The company was among the first bulker operators to explore the use of data science in making commercial decisions, being an early adopter of trade data and vessel-tracking platforms including CargoMetrics and Oceanbolt. Gjervik thinks this use of data will continue to be a big part of Western Bulk. “We will be using data wisely in our decision-making to gain a competitive advantage. “But our success ultimately comes down to our people being the best at their jobs using tools and their know-how to make the right decisions,” he commented. “I believe we are well positioned for a good and volatile dry bulk market going into the second half of this year, and I can’t wait to get started!” C: TradeWinds is simply the best!
  • 19. kesäk.
    19. kesäk.
    Voldsomt volum i dag…
  • 6. kesäk.
    6. kesäk.
    Kjøper meg opp i denne aksjen nå, etter å ha vært ute i 2 år, her tror jeg det blir meget fete dividender utover i H2-24
    14. kesäk.
    14. kesäk.
    Slike dividender kommer mest sannsynlig aldri igjen, det var helt spesielle forhold, husk Supra raten gikk fra underkant av 5 k til over 25 k, 20 år siden sist en så slik Volatilitet, det er I volatile markeder West tjener mest, blir raten liggende flat på 15-16 k tjener trolig ikke West stort, raten må fly endel opp
    14. kesäk.
    14. kesäk.
    Stemmer bra det, men så er jo kursen på godt under halvparten av hva den var på toppen
  • 23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
    Tror dette blir bra og tenker det blir utbytte fremover. «Western Bulk has used the seasonality in the first quarter of 2024 to position itself for profitability in the coming quarters, consequently no dividend will be declared for this period. Any dividend for the second quarter of 2024 will be announced on the 15th of August together with publication of the first half year report. After significant investments in 2023, the Panamax division is expected to be profitable in 2024. The team is now fully operational, with a total of five chartering managers across Dubai, Singapore, and Oslo, allowing the company to cover all major basins and actively engage in a diverse array of trades. To date, the performance within the Panamax segment has surpassed projections in both volume and profitability. We are about to reach a volume of 10 vessels and are confident in the segment’s continued expansion potential»
    24. toukok.
    24. toukok.
    Solgt meg nesten helt ut, dette gidder jeg ikke lenger
  • 23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
    Skulle det ikke komme en utbytte-annonsering her i dag ?
    23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.
112 päivää sitten
0,00 NOK/osake
Viimeisin osinko

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
0,00 NOK/osake
Viimeisin osinko


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 21. kesäk.
    21. kesäk.
    Western Bulk Carriers has been in search of a “shipping man” to take the helm — and it is a case of ‘mission accomplished’. The Oslo-listed bulker operator will be headed by Torbjorn Gjervik from September, who is stepping up from his current position as head of the North Atlantic region following the resignation of Hans Aasnes earlier this year. Gjervik joined Western Bulk as a trainee in 2011, having grown up in a working-class family on the west coast of Norway, near Bergen. “My grandfathers, my father and my uncle worked onboard oceangoing vessels from an early age,” he said. “The exciting stories they told me from their adventures at sea and abroad definitely influenced me. “I was also influenced by a good friend in the short-sea business in Bergen and later by a shipbroker I got in touch with while in the Navy.” Article continues below the advert Gjervik went on to study in Southampton in the UK and Hong Kong before joining Western Bulk’s trainee programme. “I have never regretted that,” he said. But now the focus is on what lies ahead. Gjervik said he is “very ambitious” for the company’s future. “My goal is that Western Bulk delivers good results and does so over time,” he said. “That will ensure we have surplus positive energy to focus on serving our good customers in the best possible way and keeping our fantastic employees happy.” Western Bulk has had a turbulent eight years since being re-established in 2016, following the bankruptcy of its predecessor company. Upon resigning in March, Aasnes — who joined from the finance world five years ago — commented that the company needs a “shipping man” to take it forward. It seems the board has paid attention in appointing his successor. The company has an established brand and heritage, but it needs to reiterate the stability of its platform to the market. What better way to do so than with a Western Bulk lifer at the helm? Gjervik knows the company inside out and his point of view on strategy has been informed by his working his way up the ranks in Oslo and seven years in Singapore. “Being a ‘shipping man’ in the CEO job for Western Bulk, my focus is to make sure that the top management and the commercial teams are aligned in what we want to achieve and how we are going to achieve it,” he said. “It will help us understand and sharpen our priorities and resources — enabling us to deliver the best possible service to our customers.” Gjervik said his shipping background and career as a dealmaker should also open commercial opportunities for the company. “Both mine and Western Bulk’s door is always open for business proposals that can be mutually beneficial for us and our partners,” he said. “I have not done my last shipping deal, that’s for sure!” For the moment, Western Bulk will continue its traditional focus on the supramax segment and will keep building its presence with panamaxes, which has been “profitable” so far. “We continue to stay asset-light for now,” Gjervik told TradeWinds. “We do not believe this is the right entry point for becoming shipowners, but we stay curious about gaining access to more tonnage through other means and cooperation.” Its panamax team, which comprises five chartering managers across Dubai, Singapore and Oslo, currently operates a fleet of 20 ships. Three of these five chartering managers were hired this year specifically for the panamax market. The company was among the first bulker operators to explore the use of data science in making commercial decisions, being an early adopter of trade data and vessel-tracking platforms including CargoMetrics and Oceanbolt. Gjervik thinks this use of data will continue to be a big part of Western Bulk. “We will be using data wisely in our decision-making to gain a competitive advantage. “But our success ultimately comes down to our people being the best at their jobs using tools and their know-how to make the right decisions,” he commented. “I believe we are well positioned for a good and volatile dry bulk market going into the second half of this year, and I can’t wait to get started!” C: TradeWinds is simply the best!
  • 19. kesäk.
    19. kesäk.
    Voldsomt volum i dag…
  • 6. kesäk.
    6. kesäk.
    Kjøper meg opp i denne aksjen nå, etter å ha vært ute i 2 år, her tror jeg det blir meget fete dividender utover i H2-24
    14. kesäk.
    14. kesäk.
    Slike dividender kommer mest sannsynlig aldri igjen, det var helt spesielle forhold, husk Supra raten gikk fra underkant av 5 k til over 25 k, 20 år siden sist en så slik Volatilitet, det er I volatile markeder West tjener mest, blir raten liggende flat på 15-16 k tjener trolig ikke West stort, raten må fly endel opp
    14. kesäk.
    14. kesäk.
    Stemmer bra det, men så er jo kursen på godt under halvparten av hva den var på toppen
  • 23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
    Tror dette blir bra og tenker det blir utbytte fremover. «Western Bulk has used the seasonality in the first quarter of 2024 to position itself for profitability in the coming quarters, consequently no dividend will be declared for this period. Any dividend for the second quarter of 2024 will be announced on the 15th of August together with publication of the first half year report. After significant investments in 2023, the Panamax division is expected to be profitable in 2024. The team is now fully operational, with a total of five chartering managers across Dubai, Singapore, and Oslo, allowing the company to cover all major basins and actively engage in a diverse array of trades. To date, the performance within the Panamax segment has surpassed projections in both volume and profitability. We are about to reach a volume of 10 vessels and are confident in the segment’s continued expansion potential»
    24. toukok.
    24. toukok.
    Solgt meg nesten helt ut, dette gidder jeg ikke lenger
  • 23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
    Skulle det ikke komme en utbytte-annonsering her i dag ?
    23. toukok.
    23. toukok.
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.


1 758
2 456

Viimeisimmät kaupat

2 544--
1 044--
1 312--
Vaihto (NOK)
1 117 783

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
15. elok.
Menneet tapahtumat
2023 Yhtiökokous3. huhtik.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti13. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti16. helmik.
2024 Ylimääräinen yhtiökokous18. tammik.
2023 Q2-osavuosiraportti15. elok. 2023
Datan lähde: Millistream, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit
© 2024 Nordnet Bank AB.
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