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United States of AmericaUnited States of AmericaSFL

· New York Stock Exchange
· Valuutta USD
New York Stock Exchange
Tänään %
Tänään +/-
Vaihto (määrä)
223 961
· New York Stock Exchange
· Valuutta USD
New York Stock Exchange
· New York Stock Exchange · Valuutta USD
· Valuutta USD
New York Stock Exchange
Kehitys tänään
Vaihto (määrä)
223 961
69 päivää sitten35 min
0,39 USD/osake
Viimeisin osinko
8,13 %



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (USD)
1 452 447

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti14. toukok.
2024 Yhtiökokous29. huhtik.
2023 Vuosiraportti15. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti14. helmik.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti8. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
69 päivää sitten35 min

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti14. toukok.
2024 Yhtiökokous29. huhtik.
2023 Vuosiraportti15. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti14. helmik.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti8. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 8. heinäk.
    8. heinäk.
    SFL Corp is celebrating two decades on the New York Stock Exchange this year, during which time it has rewarded shareholders with $2.7bn in total dividends. “We have made money every quarter from operations in the past 20 years, which is rather unique in shipping. And we have paid dividends every quarter,” SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker told TradeWinds at his office at Aker Brygge, Oslo. Originally called Ship Finance International, the company was a part of Fredriksen’s Frontline and initially provided lease financing solely to Frontline tankers. Since then, the company has transformed into a diversified shipowner. The name change to SFL Corp came in 2019 after the leasing company moved into shipowning. Today, Hjertaker, who joined in 2006 as finance chief, describes SFL as a maritime infrastructure company. “We have shown that our business model works,” he said. SFL focuses on owning ships with long-term contracts with strong counterparties. The company has a fleet of more than 80 vessels in different segments and its contracted revenue is nearly $5bn. Containers contributed 47% of contracted revenue, tankers 18%, car carriers 16%, rigs 13% and dry bulk 5% at the end of the first quarter of this year. The charter hire consists of 95% period contracts and 5% bareboat deals. “Bareboat looks nice in an Excel spreadsheet but it does not work in real life,” Hjertaker said. According to Hjertaker, bareboat charters cause problems because the lessee usually controls the upside in strong markets through options, and the lessor often sits only with the downside in softer markets when the client may not have incentives to maintain and upgrade the vessel. SFL has clients including AP Moller-Maersk, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Stolt-Nielsen, Trafigura and Volkswagen. The only related-party client is Fredriksen’s Golden Ocean Group. “We want to be diversified. We look at all the segments all the time,” Hjertaker said. This year, SFL has bought three LR2 tankers and two chemical tankers and ordered five large container vessels that have long-term employment. “We evaluate where the best risk-reward is. Over time the portfolio changes. It is a result of transaction opportunities,” Hjertaker added. SFL’s funding has also changed over the past 20 years. From being dependent on Scandinavian bank lending, the financing has also diversified. “We want to work with many banks in several geographical regions. To be too concentrated to few banks in a single region is a risk in itself,” Hjertaker said. More of the financing is now done in Asia through bank and lease funding. Fredriksen’s Hemen Holding owns 20% of SFL, and about 40% of the other shareholders are long-term US institutional investors. About 60,000 retail investors in the US also hold the stock. “Shipping has been a difficult segment to invest in for financial investors because it is a boom-bust market. In the US, there are relatively few investors who invest in shipping, because of the volatility over time,” Hjertaker said. SFL’s business model is a way to mitigate the swings of shipping and make it more investable, and investors are attracted by SFL’s stable returns. The company has had an annualised return of 12.9% since it started. Being a part of Fredriksen’s group of companies gives SFL an edge when finding new deals. “We are part of a bigger system, and this gives us unique access to deal flow,” Hjertaker said. SFL focuses on longer contracts while Fredriksen’s other companies typically operate in the spot market and do shorter-term deals. “The group owns and operates around 350 vessels in multiple segments and is a big customer for the shipyards and suppliers. Shipbrokers and investment banks contact us early if they see an opportunity,” Hjertaker said. “If we can pick the right transactions and have better access to capital, we can create added value for our shareholders. Our focus is to maximise dividends to our shareholders over time. That is our driving force,” he added. SFL’s business model is very scalable, according to Hjertaker. “We can grow more. We can easily double our portfolio. Because we have good access to capital and deal flow,” he said. “But it is important to do the right deals and be disciplined. Otherwise, you will have problems over time,” he added. Right now shipping is in a long fundamental up cycle, Hjertaker said.
    8. heinäk.
    8. heinäk.
    “World trade is growing, so there is an underlying demand growth for transportation. We have had a period with a low level of newbuilding orders and falling shipyard capacity. And the uncertainty around future fuels has made shipowners more cautious,” he said. “Many of the segments look very interesting simply because there is a supply squeeze while the demand increases,” he added. In addition, geopolitical effects, such as the invasion of Ukraine and recent attacks by the Houthis have changed trading patterns and increased tonne-mile demand. Diversification is a defensive strategy that works through the cycles because over time oversupply usually destroys the market balance in individual shipping segments, Hjertaker said. “We can move focus from segment to segment. And we continuously focus on renewing the fleet, and everything is for sale at the right price,” he said. Copyright: TradeWinds, simply the best!
  • 1. heinäk.
    1. heinäk.
    John Fredriksen-controlled SFL Corp has placed a $1bn newbuilding order for five LNG dual-fuel 16,000-teu neopanamax ships, sources tell TradeWinds. The vessels have been booked with China’s New Times Shipbuilding, sources added. SFL is said to be paying at least $200m each for the LNG dual-fuel neo-panamax newbuildings. It is not known if the contract includes any options. Sources added that New Times will build the quintet in the new drydock it is planning to add to the shipyard. It is looking to deliver the vessels between 2027 and 2028. SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker told TradeWinds the company does not comment on market rumours, but said: “We are continually discussing various projects with shipyards and others. “We typically look for projects that can combine the acquired vessels with long-term employment. “So far this year, SFL has acquired three LR2 tankers and two LNG dual-fuel 33,000-dwt chemical tankers,” he said. SFL bought the three 115,000-dwt product carriers from Fredriksen private company Seatankers in a $230m deal. The LR2s are being built at New Times and are slated to be delivered this year. The product carriers will be chartered out long-term to a “world-leading energy and commodities company”, SFL said. As for the chemical tankers, SFL spent $114m to buy the 33,300-dwt Gold Trader II (built 2022) and Gold Trader III (built 2023) from Japan’s Nisshin Shipping. SFL has chartered out the two chemical tankers to Stolt Tankers for at least eight years. One tanker will be on a fixed-rate time charter and the other employed in a pool with similar-size vessels. Jiangsu-based New Times is said to have submitted its new dry dock plan to the provincial government and is awaiting approval. There is a surge in demand for container ship newbuildings, according to brokers. Liner giants such as CMA CGM, AP Moller-Maersk, PIL, Hapag-Lloyd, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Zim and several others are said to be looking to order new boxships themselves or charter newbuildings from shipowners such as Seaspan Corp, Tsakos, Capital Maritime and Eastern Pacific Shipping. Copyright: TradeWinds, simply the best!
    3. heinäk.
    3. heinäk.
    FA skriver i samme oppdatering: Samtidig inngår SFL en minimum 10-årig tidscharteravtale, som legger til omtrent 1,2 milliarder dollar i charterbackloggen. Det følger også med en opsjon for å forlenge charterne med ytterlige to år, samt kjøpsopsjoner etter år 10 og 12.
  • 26. kesäk.
    26. kesäk.
    Happy SFL Dividend Day!
  • 18. kesäk.
    18. kesäk.
    Förmögenhetsskatten sänker Norge TROMSÖ. Norrmännen har fått nästan allt. Det enda som saknas är vettiga politiker. Förmögenhetsskatten var ett stort misstag som står Norge dyrt. Allt fler lämnar landet, vilket också sänker den norska kronan.
  • 29. toukok. · Muokattu
    29. toukok. · Muokattu
    AP Moller-Maersk has extended charters on five neopanamax boxships taken from John Fredriksen’s SFL Corp. The Danish liner giant has kept the 10,500-teu sister ships Cap San Juan, Cap San Lazaro and Cap San Vincent (all built 2015) on extension for 60 months. The five-year charters start next year and run until the middle of 2030. The charter rate is around $38,350 per day, or $210m in total. Maersk has also exercised additional one-year options for three other SFL vessels of between 8,700 teu and 9,500 teu. That will add a further $30m to SFL’s charter backlog, which equates to a rate of around $27,400 per day. SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker, who alluded to the deals during an earnings call this month, has described the boxship sector as “quite robust”. The Oslo-based tonnage provider, which has a container fleet of 34 vessels, also agreed to charter the 1,700-teu Green Ace (built 2005) to Maersk until the fourth quarter of 2024. While demand for container ships is strong in all segments, the market for larger vessels for charter this year is drying up. That has spurred talk that liner operators are looking at taking a series of 8,000-teu newbuildings out of 2026 positions. The tight market means every fixture pointing to better terms than last done. The Schulte Group has fixed the 5,047-teu Lady Jane (built 2005) with Hong Kong-based Orient Overseas Container Line. It has been taken at a strong rate of $32,000 per day for two years for a fixture beginning in the second half of the year, according to brokers. That is almost double the rate at which a sister vessel was fixed in December for a flexible three to seven-month deal, according to Braemar. “This means that while the charter rate has increased by approximately 83% in six months, the charter period has also quadrupled,” the shipbroker notes. Rates and periods for smaller feeders have also increased. That is reflected in the recent fixture by Hamburg-based MPC Container Ships of four sub-panamax boxships. The 2,800-teu Stadt Dresden, AS Carelia, AS Cypria (all built 2006) and AS Claudia (built 2007) have been fixed for two years with Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd at rates close to $20,000 per day. The premium is nearly 25% higher than the vessels might have got at the beginning of the year. Copyright - Tradewinds is simply the best!
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.
69 päivää sitten35 min
0,39 USD/osake
Viimeisin osinko
8,13 %

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
0,39 USD/osake
Viimeisin osinko
8,13 %


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 8. heinäk.
    8. heinäk.
    SFL Corp is celebrating two decades on the New York Stock Exchange this year, during which time it has rewarded shareholders with $2.7bn in total dividends. “We have made money every quarter from operations in the past 20 years, which is rather unique in shipping. And we have paid dividends every quarter,” SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker told TradeWinds at his office at Aker Brygge, Oslo. Originally called Ship Finance International, the company was a part of Fredriksen’s Frontline and initially provided lease financing solely to Frontline tankers. Since then, the company has transformed into a diversified shipowner. The name change to SFL Corp came in 2019 after the leasing company moved into shipowning. Today, Hjertaker, who joined in 2006 as finance chief, describes SFL as a maritime infrastructure company. “We have shown that our business model works,” he said. SFL focuses on owning ships with long-term contracts with strong counterparties. The company has a fleet of more than 80 vessels in different segments and its contracted revenue is nearly $5bn. Containers contributed 47% of contracted revenue, tankers 18%, car carriers 16%, rigs 13% and dry bulk 5% at the end of the first quarter of this year. The charter hire consists of 95% period contracts and 5% bareboat deals. “Bareboat looks nice in an Excel spreadsheet but it does not work in real life,” Hjertaker said. According to Hjertaker, bareboat charters cause problems because the lessee usually controls the upside in strong markets through options, and the lessor often sits only with the downside in softer markets when the client may not have incentives to maintain and upgrade the vessel. SFL has clients including AP Moller-Maersk, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Stolt-Nielsen, Trafigura and Volkswagen. The only related-party client is Fredriksen’s Golden Ocean Group. “We want to be diversified. We look at all the segments all the time,” Hjertaker said. This year, SFL has bought three LR2 tankers and two chemical tankers and ordered five large container vessels that have long-term employment. “We evaluate where the best risk-reward is. Over time the portfolio changes. It is a result of transaction opportunities,” Hjertaker added. SFL’s funding has also changed over the past 20 years. From being dependent on Scandinavian bank lending, the financing has also diversified. “We want to work with many banks in several geographical regions. To be too concentrated to few banks in a single region is a risk in itself,” Hjertaker said. More of the financing is now done in Asia through bank and lease funding. Fredriksen’s Hemen Holding owns 20% of SFL, and about 40% of the other shareholders are long-term US institutional investors. About 60,000 retail investors in the US also hold the stock. “Shipping has been a difficult segment to invest in for financial investors because it is a boom-bust market. In the US, there are relatively few investors who invest in shipping, because of the volatility over time,” Hjertaker said. SFL’s business model is a way to mitigate the swings of shipping and make it more investable, and investors are attracted by SFL’s stable returns. The company has had an annualised return of 12.9% since it started. Being a part of Fredriksen’s group of companies gives SFL an edge when finding new deals. “We are part of a bigger system, and this gives us unique access to deal flow,” Hjertaker said. SFL focuses on longer contracts while Fredriksen’s other companies typically operate in the spot market and do shorter-term deals. “The group owns and operates around 350 vessels in multiple segments and is a big customer for the shipyards and suppliers. Shipbrokers and investment banks contact us early if they see an opportunity,” Hjertaker said. “If we can pick the right transactions and have better access to capital, we can create added value for our shareholders. Our focus is to maximise dividends to our shareholders over time. That is our driving force,” he added. SFL’s business model is very scalable, according to Hjertaker. “We can grow more. We can easily double our portfolio. Because we have good access to capital and deal flow,” he said. “But it is important to do the right deals and be disciplined. Otherwise, you will have problems over time,” he added. Right now shipping is in a long fundamental up cycle, Hjertaker said.
    8. heinäk.
    8. heinäk.
    “World trade is growing, so there is an underlying demand growth for transportation. We have had a period with a low level of newbuilding orders and falling shipyard capacity. And the uncertainty around future fuels has made shipowners more cautious,” he said. “Many of the segments look very interesting simply because there is a supply squeeze while the demand increases,” he added. In addition, geopolitical effects, such as the invasion of Ukraine and recent attacks by the Houthis have changed trading patterns and increased tonne-mile demand. Diversification is a defensive strategy that works through the cycles because over time oversupply usually destroys the market balance in individual shipping segments, Hjertaker said. “We can move focus from segment to segment. And we continuously focus on renewing the fleet, and everything is for sale at the right price,” he said. Copyright: TradeWinds, simply the best!
  • 1. heinäk.
    1. heinäk.
    John Fredriksen-controlled SFL Corp has placed a $1bn newbuilding order for five LNG dual-fuel 16,000-teu neopanamax ships, sources tell TradeWinds. The vessels have been booked with China’s New Times Shipbuilding, sources added. SFL is said to be paying at least $200m each for the LNG dual-fuel neo-panamax newbuildings. It is not known if the contract includes any options. Sources added that New Times will build the quintet in the new drydock it is planning to add to the shipyard. It is looking to deliver the vessels between 2027 and 2028. SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker told TradeWinds the company does not comment on market rumours, but said: “We are continually discussing various projects with shipyards and others. “We typically look for projects that can combine the acquired vessels with long-term employment. “So far this year, SFL has acquired three LR2 tankers and two LNG dual-fuel 33,000-dwt chemical tankers,” he said. SFL bought the three 115,000-dwt product carriers from Fredriksen private company Seatankers in a $230m deal. The LR2s are being built at New Times and are slated to be delivered this year. The product carriers will be chartered out long-term to a “world-leading energy and commodities company”, SFL said. As for the chemical tankers, SFL spent $114m to buy the 33,300-dwt Gold Trader II (built 2022) and Gold Trader III (built 2023) from Japan’s Nisshin Shipping. SFL has chartered out the two chemical tankers to Stolt Tankers for at least eight years. One tanker will be on a fixed-rate time charter and the other employed in a pool with similar-size vessels. Jiangsu-based New Times is said to have submitted its new dry dock plan to the provincial government and is awaiting approval. There is a surge in demand for container ship newbuildings, according to brokers. Liner giants such as CMA CGM, AP Moller-Maersk, PIL, Hapag-Lloyd, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Zim and several others are said to be looking to order new boxships themselves or charter newbuildings from shipowners such as Seaspan Corp, Tsakos, Capital Maritime and Eastern Pacific Shipping. Copyright: TradeWinds, simply the best!
    3. heinäk.
    3. heinäk.
    FA skriver i samme oppdatering: Samtidig inngår SFL en minimum 10-årig tidscharteravtale, som legger til omtrent 1,2 milliarder dollar i charterbackloggen. Det følger også med en opsjon for å forlenge charterne med ytterlige to år, samt kjøpsopsjoner etter år 10 og 12.
  • 26. kesäk.
    26. kesäk.
    Happy SFL Dividend Day!
  • 18. kesäk.
    18. kesäk.
    Förmögenhetsskatten sänker Norge TROMSÖ. Norrmännen har fått nästan allt. Det enda som saknas är vettiga politiker. Förmögenhetsskatten var ett stort misstag som står Norge dyrt. Allt fler lämnar landet, vilket också sänker den norska kronan.
  • 29. toukok. · Muokattu
    29. toukok. · Muokattu
    AP Moller-Maersk has extended charters on five neopanamax boxships taken from John Fredriksen’s SFL Corp. The Danish liner giant has kept the 10,500-teu sister ships Cap San Juan, Cap San Lazaro and Cap San Vincent (all built 2015) on extension for 60 months. The five-year charters start next year and run until the middle of 2030. The charter rate is around $38,350 per day, or $210m in total. Maersk has also exercised additional one-year options for three other SFL vessels of between 8,700 teu and 9,500 teu. That will add a further $30m to SFL’s charter backlog, which equates to a rate of around $27,400 per day. SFL chief executive Ole Hjertaker, who alluded to the deals during an earnings call this month, has described the boxship sector as “quite robust”. The Oslo-based tonnage provider, which has a container fleet of 34 vessels, also agreed to charter the 1,700-teu Green Ace (built 2005) to Maersk until the fourth quarter of 2024. While demand for container ships is strong in all segments, the market for larger vessels for charter this year is drying up. That has spurred talk that liner operators are looking at taking a series of 8,000-teu newbuildings out of 2026 positions. The tight market means every fixture pointing to better terms than last done. The Schulte Group has fixed the 5,047-teu Lady Jane (built 2005) with Hong Kong-based Orient Overseas Container Line. It has been taken at a strong rate of $32,000 per day for two years for a fixture beginning in the second half of the year, according to brokers. That is almost double the rate at which a sister vessel was fixed in December for a flexible three to seven-month deal, according to Braemar. “This means that while the charter rate has increased by approximately 83% in six months, the charter period has also quadrupled,” the shipbroker notes. Rates and periods for smaller feeders have also increased. That is reflected in the recent fixture by Hamburg-based MPC Container Ships of four sub-panamax boxships. The 2,800-teu Stadt Dresden, AS Carelia, AS Cypria (all built 2006) and AS Claudia (built 2007) have been fixed for two years with Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd at rates close to $20,000 per day. The premium is nearly 25% higher than the vessels might have got at the beginning of the year. Copyright - Tradewinds is simply the best!
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (USD)
1 452 447

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös


Seuraava tapahtuma
Sijoittajakalenteri ei ole saatavilla
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti14. toukok.
2024 Yhtiökokous29. huhtik.
2023 Vuosiraportti15. maalisk.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti14. helmik.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti8. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit
© 2024 Nordnet Bank AB.
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